Crag Board Mini
The Crag Board Mini is a ultra light finger-board that is designed to be taken to the crag or packed into your luggage whilst on the go.
Using a simple yet effective design philosophy, the Crag Board Mini has taken the 4 most popular size edges and packed them into one board.
This allows for easy progression from warm up jugs down to finger-tip size edges.
Being also symmetrically laid out, it allows for both one and two arm lock offs.
Made in Australia from ethically sourced timber.
Dimensions 400 x 115 x 25mm
1 x Top Jug for warming up on
3 x 19mm Edges/Pockets
2 x 15mm Edges/Pockets
1 x 17mm Edge/Pocket
Important Information - PLEASE Read
Any items shown in pictures other than holds are to show scale and are not included with purchase.
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